Notice & Disclaimers
Nite-Site Disclaimer – This portion must be read before any purchase is made. Nite-Site is a purveyor of airsoft replica products, which comply with Federal and State legislation and is not a firearm merchant. Nite-Site does not in any manner intend to create confusion or to “pass off” inferior goods by using any firearm manufacturer’s established trademarked logos. Nite-Site is not in competition with any firearm manufacturer and has no intention of diluting any firearm manufacturers’ trademarked logos. In order to purchase an airsoft replica product from Nite-Site, you must be at least 18 years of age. Under no circumstance will Nite-Site sell to minors. The purchaser of any product from Nite-Site must be 18 years of age and is aware of any local or state law(s) governing the use of the products and that there are no laws that prohibit owning or purchasing airsoft related products in his/her respective jurisdiction. All airsoft replica products come with a permanent safety orange painted muzzle and any and all trademarks have been removed in accordance to Federal law. Any alteration or modification will violate state and/or federal law and will void any and all warranties. Under Federal law, any use of an airsoft replica product used in a crime, will be equivalent to the use of an actual firearm or weapon. Nite-Site will be held harmless and free of any and all legal action arising from the use or purchase of Nite-Site products.